The framework that that was built to work for you: The Launching Ground framework was designed to work for overwhelmed parents, busy pastors, and overworked teachers. It works with whatever timeframe you have because it is a force multiplier for leadership development & godly discipleship. It is an abundant variable depth well of resources curated for you.
The LaunchPad
It starts with this simple tool that you can put up in a classroom, a dining room, or a board room: The LaunchPad. The beautifully designed in-home LaunchPad offers simple access (QR code, emails, and communication apps) for resources at your fingertips, including specialized content like engaging videos that unite people of all ages around each core element.
Best practices for child development and training:
The Launching Ground framework is built as a functional force multiplier for overwhelmed families by leveraging best practices in researched child development and training. Slow-drip infusion counteracts the Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve, physical persistence of learning material maximizes passive learning, and focus on conversational development for relational health with strategically valuable words addresses the “30 million word gap” from a holistic perspective.
Biblically Rooted – Research Based – Leadership Proven
We have focused on the most important qualities to develop successful leaders. The core content is a meeting of leadership traits, success indicators, and Biblical values. Each trait of the month is rooted in Biblical truth so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that it works and has been proven in leadership and research settings. Each trait is reinforced with a new theme each week to give a deep and robust understanding of each concept.
Partnerships in Child Discipleship
The Launching Ground framework brings strategic alignment among teachers, pastors, staff, parents, and multigenerational congregation members throughout the year. This is where we start to see kids growing in healthy spiritual environments that actually set them up to be great spiritual leaders as they follow Christ wholeheartedly. It takes more than a village to raise a child – it takes the family of God.
Slow-Drip Infusion of Wisdom
Teaching character or leadership in one big chunk of time of the year is like telling someone they can eat all they want at a buffet for a whole week! And you can even stuff your pockets full of food … but that is all you can eat for the whole year! It doesn’t work!
We need a steady and constant infusion of Biblical truth and application in order to grow and research backs up this truth as well as time-tested spiritual disciplines!

You can learn leadership in one week of the year just as well as you can eat all your food at a buffet one time during the year