– Knowing I am extremely valuable because of God –

Your “self-worth” is how much you think you are worth – how valuable you think you are.  Everyone wants to know that they are special and important.  However, how you view yourself comes from what you think others think about you.  If you think others don’t like you and think you are not very important, you might believe that you are not important and your “self-worth” would be low.

But the only one who knows what you are really worth is God.  He knows you better than even you know yourself.  He is the one that created you and knows how many hairs are on your head.  He also knows the value of everything in creation.  What does God say about you?  He says you are worth dying for.  He didn’t just say it, He demonstrated it but dying on the cross for you.

“The LORD your God wins victory after victory and is always with you. He celebrates and sings because of you, and he will refresh your life with his love.” – Zephaniah 3:17 (CEV)

If I gave showed you a diamond and asked you how much it is worth you probably wouldn’t know.  You need to ask an expert how much they would pay.  God is the expert and He said that you are so valuable that you are worth dying for so it shouldn’t matter what anyone else says about you.  You are important and loved by the most important being in the universe!

  • Do you feel that you are important and valuable?
  • Why do you feel the way you feel?
  • Who do you listen to in order to find out how important you are?
  • Do some voices feel more or less important in how they make you feel?
    • Who do you think has the most important voice?
  • What does God say about you and your value?
  • How does what God says about you change how you think about yourself?
More Discussion Ideas
Alternate Descriptions
  • Finding my personal worth from God and nothing else
  • Looking to God to know what my value is
Multimedia Resources
Parent Resources

The Value of You– A Devotion from Daily Hope