– Being bought back into God’s family –

The Bible says that everyone has walked away from God and in the process we became “slaves to sin”.  That means that we don’t own or control ourselves.  But God loved you so much that He wanted to bring you back to where you have always belonged – as a part of His family.  The only way He could do it was by paying for you with His own blood.  That might sound crazy but that’s exactly why He died on the cross.  He wasn’t weak or guilty.  He didn’t mess up or get trapped.  He chose to die and pay for you with His blood.  He wanted to redeem you as His precious child.

“I have swept away your sins like a cloud. I have scattered your offenses like the morning mist. Oh, return to me, for I have paid the price to set you free.” – Isaiah 44:22 (NLT)

God never forces anyone to accept His free gift of redemption.  He let’s every person choose.  But the good news is that if you let Him be your leader and redeem you back into His family then you are forever safe and secure.  You can be confident of His strength and protection.  You don’t have to save yourself.  You don’t have to make yourself good enough.  You can rest in the confidence that God’s payment for you is full and enough.  The best part about God’s redemption for you is that you can be sure that God’s love and care for you is bigger than any problem you can ever face.  He is everything you need!

  • What does it mean to be redeemed by God?
  • Do you deserve to be part of God’s family?
  • How do you know that God wants you to be a part of His family?
    (He died and payed with his blood to bring you into His family)
  • Have you accepted God’s payment for your sins and allowed Him to be the leader, director, Lord of your life?
  • If you have been redeemed, do you have to earn your place with God?
  • Why can you have confidence if you have been redeemed?
  • Is there anything that can give you more confidence than to know that God loved you enough to die for you?
More Discussion Ideas
Alternate Descriptions
  • Being returned to the proper owner
  • Being set free by God’s grace
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Redemption – God’s love at work – A Devotion from Crosswalk.com