Change your world through your missional mindset
– Using every opportunity to tell others about God’s love and forgiveness –

Jesus Christ came to earth to die for our sins because everyone needs to have their sins forgiven. He rose from the dead showing that He has power over death and to give hope to every person. God offers hope and forgiveness to everyone but every person needs to accept this gift from God and they can’t accept a gift they don’t know about.

Having a “missional mindset” means that you look for every opportunity to connect people to God. When you use your platform and your influence to help others know and understand God’s gift of grace, you are allowing God’s power to work in and through you and it is one of the very best things you could ever do with your life.

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.” – Romans 1:16 (NIV)

  • Do those around you know that you know Jesus?
  • Would you feel comfortable sharing your testimony with others?
  • How often do you tell others about Jesus and His forgiveness?
  • Are you opening space around you for others to approach you with questions?
  • What would you say if a friend asked you how to be saved?
  • What are some ways you can use your influence to help others know Jesus?
  • Who can you start praying for?
More Discussion Ideas
Alternate Descriptions
  • Looking for every chance to tell people about God’s forgiveness
  • Sharing God’s gift of forgiveness with every person you have an opportunity to share with.
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