– Holding on to God’s good promises to me when life is hard –

There are many times in your life that may feel bad.  Failing a test, getting in a fight, losing someone close to you, or doing something wrong are just some reasons you may know feel good.  Your happiness depends on what in happening to you know.  But your joy depends on what you believe will happen in the big picture.  Here are just a couple ways you can choose to be joyful:

First, make sure you have a good relationship with God.  Maybe you are not doing what is right and you’re ignoring God.  Or maybe you have never invited God into your life.  Start by getting your relationship with God right.  Ask Him for forgiveness and invite Him to lead you.  This is always the best decision you can make.  God loves you and wants to help you in the most important ways.

Second, choose to believe that God is in control and He wants to take care of you because you are His precious child.  Unlike people, He never fails or gives up.  He is able to do anything possible to take care of you and He loves you more than anyone.  If you remember this, even in the worst situation, you can have hope and joy because God is with you.

“Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy.” – James 1:2 (NLT)

  • What is the worst time you have been through?
  • Is it possible to have joy even in the worst times?
  • How is joy different than happiness?
  • Can you be joyful even when you are not happy?
  • What will you do the next time you are not happy?
  • Is there anyone in your life that is joyful even through troubling times?
    • How can you learn from him/her?
  • Can you think of a time that God taught you something really important through a difficult situation?
  • How could God be developing you in an important way through something difficult you’re facing now or just recently faced?
More Discussion Ideas
Alternate Descriptions
  • Remembering the promises of God when times are bad
  • Choosing to focus on God’s promises for me in bad times
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How can I find Joy in the midst of trials? – Article by gotquestions.org