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– Helping others to become great leaders –

When you do well in something or when you become excellent in some area, you start to get attention.   Others look at what you have done and they may even look up to you.  Or maybe you have shown responsibility and now you are a leader for others.  These are examples of ways that God can give you influence.  When you have influence you have been given responsibility but you also have authority (the right to make decisions).  Empowerment is sharing your responsibility and authority with others.  When you empower someone else, you allow them to be a leader on your team in some way.  It can start with doing one small part or by leading others but by allowing someone to play a bigger part, they grow and so does your team.

“Anything that is too important or complicated can be brought to you. But the smaller matters they can take care of themselves. That way it will be easier for you because you will share the burden with them.” – Exodus 18:22b (TLB)

To empower others, you can start with three things:

  1. Give someone something to do that is bigger than what they did last time (new responsibility)
  2. Allow them to make the choices
  3. must encourage others.  Everyone needs to hear encouraging
  • When have you been empowered to do greater things and how did it make you feel?
  • Have you ever felt like you had too much responsibility to handle?
    • Looking back, was there a way to invite others to be a part of what you were trying to do?
  • What are some reasons it might be hard to empower other people?
  • Can you empower people even if you are not a leader with a lot of responsibility?
    • How can you encourage others to take more responsibility and grow to be better?
  • Does empowering others mean that you get to control them or that you are better?
More Discussion Ideas
Alternate Descriptions
  • Giving others the opportunity to lead
  • Helping others to become great leaders
  • Encouraging others to step up and lead
  • Sharing authority and influence with others
  • Sharing leadership with others
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Loving Delegation – An article about Love and Delegation