– Letting others see God’s love for me even through my failures –

It can be embarrassing and scary to let others see your weaknesses or failures.  Most people will do everything they can to hide their mistakes and imperfections from others.  No one should be proud of their bad choices, but God says if you accept His forgiveness and let Him be your leader, He takes away all your sins and separates them from you as far as the East is from the West.

You don’t need to pretend that you are perfect or make others think that you don’t have any problems.  It is hard to let people see that you have problems but, when you let people in, you show humility and you can allow others to see that God is bigger than all your mistakes and He still loves you.  If others understand and see that in you, they may start to accept God’s love in their lives too.

“People who conceal their sins will not prosper, but if they confess and turn from them, they will receive mercy.” – Proverbs 28:13 (NLT)

  • How do you usually feel when someone sees your mistakes?
  • Why do you usually like to hide your failures?
  • Why is it hard to let someone see your mistakes?
  • What does God say about all your failures?
  • Does God love you any more or less when you fail?  When you succeed?
  • How can you share a mistake or failure to help someone grow closer to God?
  • How can sharing your mistakes make you a better leader?
More Discussion Ideas
Alternate Descriptions
  • Being open about your weaknesses so others can grow
  • Being honest about your mistakes instead of pretending you are better than others
  • Admitting when you’ve made mistakes instead of covering it up
  • Being honest with God, yourself, and others – even with your failures
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The Benefits of Transparency – A small groups article on transparency from Christianity Today