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– Caring for others in a helpful way –

Kindness is doing something for the benefit of someone else.  Acts of kindness can be small – like smiling at someone or inviting someone new to play with you.  But acts of kindness can also be big like giving up something you have really wanted so that someone else can have something they need.  God showed us the biggest act of kindness by sending Jesus to die for everyone’s sins.  He loved you so much that He couldn’t sit still without doing something to help.  That is what kindness is about.  It is love in action.  Kindness is caring so much that you have to get up and do something to help.

It is hard to be kind all the time and it is not easy to be kind to every person.  Being a good leader and being the best you can be means being kind and caring to those around you because God has shown great kindness to you.  Kindness is not pretending or doing things just because people expect you to act a certain way.  It starts in your heart with love for others.  The only way you can have enough love for the people around you is to be filled with the love that comes from God.  If you know that God loves you enough that you don’t need to get rewarded from people then you will be able to love and care for others with true kindness – not expecting them to give you anything back!

“A kindhearted woman gains honor, but ruthless men gain only wealth. Those who are kind benefit themselves, but the cruel bring ruin on themselves.” – Proverbs 11:16-17 (NIV)

  • Who is it hard to be kind to?
  • Why is it hard to be kind to some people?
  • When it is hard to be kind, is there something that you want?
  • Who has shown you great kindness?
  • How does God’s love for you help you show kindness to others?
  • Who will you try to be kind to this week?
More Discussion Ideas
Alternate Descriptions
  • Love’s Actions
  • Loving others in a gentle way
  • Trying to help others in a loving way
  • Expressing love through your actions
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The Fruit of the Holy Spirit – What is Kindness – Article by